Rhino Skin 250ml

Rhino Skin 250ml
  • Výrobce: AN
  • Kat. číslo výrobce: 7.37€
  • Hmotnost: 0,3 kg
  • Záruka (měsíců): 24
Akční nabídka
Kód produktu: AD1352
Původní cena: 299,00 Kč
Cena bez DPH: 164,46 Kč
Cena s DPH: 199,00 Kč
Ušetříte: 100,00 Kč (33%)
Dostupnost: Skladem


Vyzkoušejte kouzlo, jak Rhino skin chrání vaše rostliny, budete mít vetší úrodu . Silica (křemík) je naprostým základním stavebním kamenem vašich rostlin a přesto chybí v naprosté většině kořenových zón a hnojivech. Silica se stává součástí buněčných stěn rostlin, které určují sílu vašich rostlin (stonky, listy, květy, květinová struktura, esenciální oleje, trichomy a metabolismus). Rostliny, které jsou dobře obrněné správným typem křemičité přísady, budou lépe odolávat plísním, hmyzu a dalším problémům. Křemík je stavitel trichomů, které zvyšují hodnotu plodin, které produkují více esenciálních olejů, terpenoidů a pryskyřice. Rhino Skin obrní vaše rostliny ve vaší indoor zahradě proti bodavému hmyzu, chorobám, drsným podmínkám a zároveň zvyšuje strukturu, materiální výživu a metabolismus, které vytvářejí větší a silnější sklizeň.

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Note: At Advanced Nutrients, we do not use paclobutrazol, daminozide, or any other banned plant growth regulators in our products. 
ATTENTION: Rhino Skin is completely compatible with all non pH Perfect® Base Nutrients and all competitors Base Nutrients and Supplements.

Rhino Skin will substantially strengthen and boost your plants vigor by increasing cell wall stability. Our weekly tissue analysis has shown dichotomous short day plants use almost as much silicon as iron. Potassium silicate will help produce a super robust plant. Rhino Skin is the only pH balanced Potassium silicate.

Safeguard your hydroponics investment by putting a coat of armor on your plants right now!

That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust (oxygen is the most prevalent), but guess what? Silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers.

This is a cause of concern because your plants desperately need silica. They evolved to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls.

That's important because cells are the building blocks of your plants and cell walls are the structural features that determine the strength of your plants' stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures and metabolism.

Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as foundational support between cells.

In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica.

There's a catch, however-silica isn't supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn't the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica's benefits.


If you've tried other silica products, you discover that most hydroponics manufacturers have found it difficult if not impossible to effectively deliver silica to your crops.

You can see why that is. Silica is the main element in sand. It is very thick and solid. It doesn't easily dissolve in water. It isn't easily taken into plants.

The scientists who created Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin knew all this before they started the product design and testing process.

That's why they experimented with many different types of silica, as well as different concentrations and manufacturing methods. They found that the form of potassium silicate used in Rhino Skin produced the highest crop silicate percentages.